星期一, 3月 24, 2008


最近大王返左黎同auntie 及打令一齊住, 由於大王係'在家工作' 個d, 所以佢日日都係屋企... 好耐冇開壇既我...所以就算auntie返左工, 我都唔係咁好意思去煮大餐... (1.唔想煮多個人飯, 2. 大王太奄突, 都係唔會搵自己笨)

終於, 大王同auntie去旅行, 我終於可以開壇作飯~~~~~

今次整左漢堡扒.. 第一次整, 原來好易整架~~ 我跟住Miss Jubie個recipe 去整, 成餐飯連埋洗碗都唔洗1個鐘.. (我好怪, 我終意一邊煮飯一邊洗碗... 食飯前我會將d用具洗晒先開飯, ~~)

我的份: 漢堡扒伴煙肉薯茸加車里茄

打令的份: 漢堡扒加煎蛋伴薯餅加車里茄 (重有磨姑湯) 蛋下面係有2大快扒(每快都大過我個快).... 打令居然食晒....

... 食量驚人... 好恐怖

飯後甜品: 家人至愛既芒果芝士餅 (我整既芝士餅又有進步啦~~ 好好味) 

星期二, 3月 18, 2008




一入黎個時, 有人好重用我, Q都比我做話人手唔夠, 叫我幫幫手1-2個星期. 好啦, 橫店一開始都唔係好多野做, 咪幫下手LOR, ARTWORK, 出辦呀, 訂辦呀, 寄辦呀, MANUAL, MANUAL, 報價比客呀, VENDOR 要報價呀, 同客溝通呀……. 冇所謂, 當時我係新人, 公司又剛剛重整左架構, 幫下手都好應該, 何況佢話1-2個星期, 1-2個星期後我就可以開始TAKE CAREMARKETING D …..

點知…. 直到依家,  我都係未試過真真正正去做MARKETING 我重係中間,乜都要做, 乜會都要開, 又要見客,  同事眼中我只係一個GRAPHIC ASSISTANT, 但係你請我黎係做MARKETING , 你叫我係GRAPHIC幫下手架咋, 我卡片上都係MARKETING ASSISTANT, CONTRACT都係寫MARKETING ASSISTANT.

我當然唔甘心, 要走我走你又覺得我負左你, 好心啦, 有眼都見到我入左黎半年後你就已經放左我埋一邊. 開頭又話我睇好你, D成績比我睇, 到我有好比心機去做, 你又覺得理所當然, 我入黎頭3個月冇一次係早過7點走過 , 你依家居然話我唔放個心同時間係公司.

我要走, 你唔同我傾下, 重要調我位, 開會叫我唔洗黎, 同我上頭調開到冇雷公咁遠, D單有事又要THRU 上頭唔可以直接問你, D 工作又唔SHIFT,係死要我係走前做晒D, 我都算啦. 重要係我比信第2日已經IN 人即請, 你有冇病呀, 你想當我透明, 我堅可以透明比你睇架~~ 你講一句, 我即係公司打NDS, 唔做你D野.

大佬, 你洗唔洗小家到要我每做一樣野, 出一樣野比客同廠都要我比上頭過目先呀, 你怕我玩你呀? 你係小人, 我唔係LOR~~我唔緊要, 我醒目, 一早將D單氹晒出黎, 冇架, 日子我定左, 做唔做得晒我都係個日走, 你咁堅, 你咪係咁叫你D人去CHECKD LOR, 又唔係做死我. 你搵佢地黎攪, 煩到佢地, 佢地已經忙到嘔血, 你咪再加多D WORKLOAD 去佢地道LOR, 你份人係咁架啦, 把口衰到係我地面前, 同事背後話佢唔係一個人,係一部機器

我唔理, 安守本分…… 但係超難熬~~~

各同事, 多謝你地~~共勉之



星期五, 3月 14, 2008


March 2008... is a really unforgetable month of the year, may be also one of the unforgetable period of my life.

1st thing happened, also a happy thing, is that my little miss 3小姐 finally came back from australia, she is going to spend a month time here with us. We havent seen each other for almost 2 years, finally 一家團聚... Sometimes she really drives me nuts, like eating in my room, on my bed. Or puting her smelly feet on my jacket when she was chatting on the phone... and her attitude on how much she relies on me... ha~~ really, that is my little sister~ this is her personality, and this is also the way how we live together. But really i do enjoy the moment with her here. (ha~~ it is also one of the reason why you guys having see me here for so long, cos i dont have a computer to use~~ )

the other thing is... after 3 months praying, my lovest GOD finally gives me an answer. I thank him from my truth heart. Here now he is leading me to a new start of my life, new experience. I have been having a peacful heart throughout the period, as i know GOD is always here for me, that he will never leave me alone and suffer. HE will also prepare the greatest thing for me as long as i asked from HIM. But really when it comes, my peaceful heart has gone, WHY? i first thought that may be i am just too excited on the new enviroment. But.... Ha~~ who knows my lovest GOD would like to give me 1 more test before i leave here. 最後一課.

he/she didnt choose to talk to me at all after my resignation. Good, so that i dont have to see you face to face. i guess that they are just too cross/ upset/ disappointed about my decision, but it is my life, the only permission that i should get is GOD, he is my real boss. I dont like it here, dont enjoy working here, i am sick... depressed... disappointed... I dont belong here. i still remembered one day one of my colleague said to me '邊個叫你讀得書多, 英文好, 又識咁多野..' 乜我讀得書多就等於可以出一份糧做多人野? 又唔可以fight for the thing that i want? anyway, i have decided to leave and search for the place that worth me to stay stably~~ yes, stably, i look for stable, place for me to learn and grow.

anyway, WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TODAY REALLY UPSET ME. i got send to a corner, apart from my manager, she is nice, she is true to me. i was once upset.... cried.. but all after, i thought, well, they still need to run their business, if they are considerate, i wouldnt even have to leave, not even one thought. its what they are, they just care on MONEY, and benefit for THEMSELVES, this should be expected. i cried so damn hard @ church today, god heals me, i am feeling much better now.

anyway, all i want to say to my BOSS, 1st day i come, you like me, you looked up on me and expected so much from me. I gave you all my best, and prove to you all my abilities, you appreciated. But then when i am overloaded, i explained to you and ask for your understanding, you started thinking that i am hopness. i made tiny little mistakes, but they were big in your eyes, and you even mark it down on your heart with a THICK THICK black permanant texter, no matter how harder i work and improve, still can not wash the dirt away.

i thank you for what you have appreciated on me, and i thank you for what you have taugh me. i thank you for giving me a chance on marketing when i was only a little designer. i thank you for everything, and i promise, i will try to forget and forgive, becos this is what my GOD wants me to do~~ and i will try all my best to enjoy my last month here in the company with you two and all of you in the company~~


ps. please congraduate on my new job~~ i am so looking foward to it~~


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